Training Scenario #4:
Search Patterns
This scenario centers around search patterns and requires approximately ½ hour of classroom time. The Coxswain, or designated crew member should explain how the various search patterns are accomplished. Designating a crew member to conduct the classroom session will help individuals gain a deeper insight.
Patterns to be reviewed are the three most likely for the Unit:
- Expanding square
- Sector search
- Shoreline search
On water, a shoreline search is to be conducted along with either a sector search or an expanding square (do both if time permits). Use Bobby for these searches. Run as many patterns as necessary to ensure that the entire crew has an opportunity at the helm and directing the search.
Discuss and conduct an MOB drill.
Day or night, all weather
Special Requirements:
- Bobby
- Review appropriate chapters in the Manual
Sign-off Items:
Crew Resource Management, Vessel Safety, Vessel Emergencies, Man Overboard, Boat Handling (Basic), Boat Handling (Confined), Crew Communication, Communication (VHF), Electronic Nav (GPS), Electronic Nav (Radar), Search (Spotter), Boat Handling (Docking), Rescue/Recovery, Towing, Search (Patterns)